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402.40 Jowat® Bio-reinigerID40240
Nachhaltiger Kaltreiniger von Jowat® auf biologischer Basis zum restlosen Entfernen von Klebstoff- und Lackrückständen.
  • Organischer Naturrohstoff
  • Geeignet für nicht reaktive Klebstoffrückstände
  • Angenehmer Geruch nach Zitrusfrüchten
Quantity Price each
1-5 € 24,64
6+ € 22,50
excl. VAT plus Shipping
In Stock


Cold cleaner for adhesive and lacquer residues.

Characteristics / Directions for Use:

The best results were found when used at room temperature. Wet the soiled parts thoroughly, allow to stand for some time, then remove carefully with a cloth. If the soiling is severe, this may be repeated. Contact of hot items or electrical connections with the cleaner has to be absolutely avoided. Customer trials are required. Our Application Technology Department and our Application Specialists will provide technical data to assist you in your choice of an appropriate product for your requirements. Please observe the information in the section “Remarks.”


The product should remain stored in properly closed original containers, dry and cool (15 – 25 °C). For best-before date, please see container label. After the elapse of the best-before date, it is essential that you again verify that the product is fit for your intended application.


Information about packaging types and units is available upon request.


For further information concerning safety, handling, transport and disposal, please refer to the safety data sheet. The information on this data sheet is based on test results from our laboratories as well as on reported experience gained in the field by our customers. It can, however, not cover all parameters for each specific application and is therefore not binding upon Jowat, nor should it be relied upon in lieu of your own required testing. The information given in this leaflet does not represent a performance guarantee. Unless otherwise agreed with our customers, the values stated in the section “Specification” shall be regarded as the finally agreed upon product properties. No liability may be derived from the information contained herein nor from the information provided by our free technical advisory service.

For the complete technical data sheet click here

Please refer to the "Download" tab for the safety data sheet.

Base Organic solvent
Viscosity fluid
Density at +20 °C [g/cm³] at 20 °C [g/cm³] : 0,84 ± 0,01
VOC content (Swiss) 100,00%

Bevat: Sinaasappel, zoet, extract.

Ontvlambare vloeistof en damp. Veroorzaakt huidirritatie. Kan een allergische huidreactie veroorzaken. Kan dodelijk zijn als de stof bij inslikken in de luchtwegen terechtkomt. Giftig voor in het water levende organismen, met langdurige gevolgen.
Verwijderd houden van warmte, hete oppervlakken, vonken, open vuur en andere ontstekingsbronnen. Niet roken. Explosieveilige elektrische/ventilatie-/verlichtings-/…apparatuur gebruiken. NA INSLIKKEN: onmiddellijk een ANTIGIFCENTRUM/arts raadplegen. GEEN braken opwekken. Verontreinigde kleding uittrekken en wassen alvorens deze opnieuw te gebruiken. Inhoud/verpakking afvoeren naar een goedgekeurde afvalverwijdering of recycling in overeenstemming met de nationale regelgeving.